98% translated

Azurill (Pokémon GO)

Azurill Pokemon GO


#298 (Hoenn)

Type de pokémon

Vulnerable to…
Poison deals 160% damage.
Acier deals 160% damage.
Resistant to…
Insecte deals 63% damage.
Ténèbres deals 63% damage.
Spectre deals 39% damage.
Dragon deals 39% damage.


There are currently a total of 3 Pokémon in the Marill family. Azurill evolves into Marill which costs 25 Candy, which then evolves into Azumarill costing 25 Candy.

Standard game images

Azurill - Male & Female

There is a very low chance that you can get a shiny Azurill, which has the following appearance:

A propos

"Azurill fait tournoyer sa queue comme un lasso et l’envoie si fort que le reste de son corps est également projeté. Le record de lancer de ce Pokémon est actuellement de 10 m."

Tous les Pokémon contre

le plus vulnérable à Azurill

Ce sont les Pokémon les plus vulnérables au attaque ci-dessus
Pokémon Dommages effectifs

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These moves are calculated using type advantages / disadvantages, and including STAB. Click here for more info »


