#131 (關都)
最佳技能組 (拉普拉斯)
拉普拉斯 currently has no evolutions in Pokémon GO.
There are 2 different forms of 拉普拉斯:
拉普拉斯 Raid Guide
拉普拉斯 is currently a Boss in Tier 3 Raids and has 14,847 CP, and has previously been Raid Boss in Tier 4 Raids.
Defeating 拉普拉斯 in a Tier 3 Raid requires around 2-3 players, and will become easier the more players you have. It is possible to solo this raid if you are level 35+ and have a very good set of counter Pokémon.
Standard game images

There is a very low chance that you can get a shiny 拉普拉斯, which has the following appearance:
攻擊 | 165 | |
防禦力 | 174 | |
耐力 | 277 |
最大 CP
等級 15 Research encounters |
1,131 View IV chart » |
等級 20 Max hatched / raids |
1,509 View IV chart » |
等級 30 Max wild |
2,263 View IV chart » |
等級 40 | 2,641 View IV chart » |
最大 CP with weather boost
等級 25 (raids) | 1,886 View IV chart » |
等級 35 (wild) | 2,452 View IV chart » |
Max HP
等級 40 | 230 |
身高 | 2.5 m |
體重 | 220 kg |
基礎捕獲率 | 0% |
基礎逃跑率 | 0% |
Buddy walk distance | 5 km |
最佳技能組 (拉普拉斯)
快速技能 | 傷害 | EPS | DPS |
冰息 | 10 | 8.9 | 13.3 |
水槍 | 5 | 10 | 12 |
冰礫 Elite TM | 12 | 10 | 12 |
主要技能 | 傷害 | EPS | DPS |
暴風雪 | 130 | -32.3 | 50.3 |
水炮 | 130 | -30.3 | 47.3 |
衝浪 | 65 | -29.4 | 45.9 |
火箭頭錘 | 130 | -32.3 | 41.9 |
龍之波動 Elite TM | 90 | -13.9 | 25 |
冰凍光束 Elite TM | 90 | -15.2 | 32.7 |
遷怒 Shadow | 10 | -16.5 | 5 |
報恩 Purified | 35 | -47.1 | 50 |
綠底標示的技能有同屬性加成,並可造成 20% 額外傷害。
這些是寶可夢和他們的行動,做最大的傷害 拉普拉斯
Pokémon | 快速技能 | 主要技能 | 有效傷害 |
紙御劍 | 飛葉快刀 | 葉刃 | 100% |
電束木 | 電擊 | 放電 | 95% |
電束木 | 電光 | 放電 | 94% |
代拉基翁 | 二連踢 | 聖劍 | 93% |
捷克羅姆 | 充電光束 | 交錯閃電 | 93% |
費洛美螂 | 踢倒 | 真氣彈 | 92% |
電束木 | 電光 | 強力鞭打 | 92% |
電束木 | 電擊 | 強力鞭打 | 91% |
路卡利歐 | 雙倍奉還 | 波導彈 | 89% |
雷電雲 (Therian) | 電擊 | 十萬伏特 | 88% |
These moves are calculated using type advantages / disadvantages, and including STAB. Click here for more info »
Pokémon | 有效傷害 |
These moves are calculated using type advantages / disadvantages, and including STAB. Click here for more info »