98% translated

Slowbro - Galarian (Pokémon GO)

Slowbro Pokemon GO

Slowbro - Galarian

#80 (Kanto)

Tipo de Pokémon

Vulnerable to…
Tierra deals 160% damage.
Fantasma deals 160% damage.
Siniestro deals 160% damage.
Resistant to…
Veneno deals 63% damage.
Planta deals 63% damage.
Hada deals 63% damage.
Lucha deals 39% damage.


There are currently a total of 3 Pokémon in the Slowpoke (Galarian) family. Slowbro (Galarian) evolves from Slowpoke (Galarian) which costs 50 Candy.

Slowpoke - 2020 requires Roca del Rey to evolve into Slowking - 2022.

Evolving Mega Slowbro costs 100 Mega Energy the first time, and 20 Mega Energy every other time.

Slowpoke requires Roca del Rey to evolve into Slowking.

Evolving Mega Slowbro costs 100 Mega Energy the first time, and 20 Mega Energy every other time.

Standard game images

Slowbro - Galarian - Male & Female

There is a very low chance that you can get a shiny Slowbro - Galarian, which has the following appearance:


"Slowbro lleva en la cola un Shellder enganchado, sujeto por los dientes. Como Slowbro no puede usar la cola para pescar, se mete en el agua de mala gana en busca de sus presas."

Todos los Pokémon contrarios

Más vulnerable a Slowbro - Galarian

Estos son los Pokémon más vulnerables al los movimientos anteriores.
Pokémon Daño efectivo

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These moves are calculated using type advantages / disadvantages, and including STAB. Click here for more info »


