98% translated

List of available Shiny Pokémon

List of available Shiny Pokémon

When catching or hatching certain wild Pokémon, there is a very small chance that the Pokémon will be the shiny form. You will first be able to tell that the Pokémon is shiny at the battle screen when attempting to capture it.

New shiny Pokémon are being released over time, usually coinciding with events. All generation 3 Pokémon have shiny images ready in the game, but most aren't available yet.

Infographic of all available Shinies in Pokémon GO
Infographic of all available Shinies in Pokémon GO

The following is a list of all Pokémon that currently have their shiny form available in-game:

#1 Bisasam

#5 Glutexo

#6 Glurak

#7 Schiggy

#9 Turtok

#25 Pikachu

#26 Raichu

#90 Muschas

#91 Austos

#126 Magmar

#129 Karpador

#130 Garados

#138 Amonitas

#139 Amoroso

#140 Kabuto

#141 Kabutops

#142 Aerodactyl

#144 Arktos

#145 Zapdos

#147 Dratini

#148 Dragonir

#149 Dragoran

#151 Mew

#172 Pichu

#175 Togepi

#176 Togetic

#179 Voltilamm

#198 Kramurx

#202 Woingenau

#240 Magby

#246 Larvitar

#247 Pupitar

#248 Despotar

#249 Lugia

#250 Ho-Oh

#261 Fiffyen

#262 Magnayen

#296 Makuhita

#297 Hariyama

#302 Zobiris

#303 Flunkifer

#304 Stollunior

#305 Stollrak

#306 Stolloss

#307 Meditie

#308 Meditalis

#311 Plusle

#312 Minun

#315 Roselia

#320 Wailmer

#321 Wailord

#333 Wablu

#334 Altaria

#353 Shuppet

#354 Banette

#355 Zwirrlicht

#356 Zwirrklop

#359 Absol

#360 Isso

#361 Schneppke

#362 Firnontor

#370 Liebiskus

#382 Kyogre

