Pokémon GO Info
All events > Water Festival Event
August 30, 2019

Water Festival Event

Water Festival Event

Time to make a big splash! Even if you don’t live near the water, you can look forward to Water-type Pokémon coming to you soon in Eggs, raids, Field Research, and the wild.

That’s right—the long-awaited Water Festival is back!


Water-type Pokémon like Magikarp, Wooper, Wailmer, and more will appear more frequently in the wild.

The following Pokémon will be appearing more frequently in the wild around water: Wartortle, Poliwhirl, Seaking, Lapras, Qwilfish, Mantine, Lotad, Feebas, Piplup, Buizel, and Finneon.

Water-type Pokémon will hatch more often from Eggs.

Kingler and Crawdaunt will be able to learn Crabhammer, a Water-type Charged Attack that is newly available in Pokémon GO.

If you manage to surf the waves of luck, you might encounter Shiny Carvanha or Shiny Barboach!


Water-type Pokémon like Blastoise, Vaporeon, Lapras, and more will appear in raids.

On Wednesday, August 28, 2019, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. local time, you’ll be able to encounter Uxie, Mesprit, or Azelf in five-star raids in their respective regions!


  • 2× Hatch Candy

If you have a Water-type Pokémon as your Buddy, the distance to earn Buddy Candy will be halved.

View the official event announcement on pokemongolive.com