Pokémon GO Info

List of available Shiny Pokémon

When catching or hatching certain wild Pokémon, there is a very small chance that the Pokémon will be the shiny form. You will first be able to tell that the Pokémon is shiny at the battle screen when attempting to capture it.

New shiny Pokémon are being released over time, usually coinciding with events. All generation 3 Pokémon have shiny images ready in the game, but most aren't available yet.

Infographic of all available Shinies in Pokémon GO
Infographic of all available Shinies in Pokémon GO

The following is a list of all Pokémon that currently have their shiny form available in-game:

#25 피카츄

#26 라이츄

#90 셀러

#91 파르셀

#126 마그마

#129 잉어킹

#139 암스타

#140 투구

#142 프테라

#144 프리져

#145 썬더

#147 미뇽

#148 신뇽

#149 망나뇽


#172 피츄

#175 토게피

#176 토게틱

#179 메리프

#198 니로우

#202 마자용

#240 마그비

#249 루기아

#250 칠색조

#261 포챠나

#296 마크탕

#297 하리뭉

#302 깜까미

#303 입치트

#304 가보리

#305 갱도라

#307 요가랑

#308 요가램

#311 플러시

#312 마이농

#321 고래왕

#333 파비코

#354 다크펫

#355 해골몽

#356 미라몽

#359 앱솔

#360 마자

#361 눈꼬마