Once you have used the naming trick for these three Pokémon, a normal evolution
on Eevee will have an equal random chance of getting シャワーズ,
サンダース, or ブースター.
If you have walked over 10km with Eevee as your buddy, and
you don't want to get Espeon or Umbreon, make sure that Eevee isn't
your buddy when evolving it!
Buddy method for Espeon and Umbreon
This method is only used for getting the Generation 2 Pokémon:
エーフィ and ブラッキー.
You must have walked at least 10km with the Pokémon as your buddy, and have collected at least 2 candy.
The Pokémon must be your buddy when you evolve it.
You can then choose between Espeon and Umbreon depending on whether you evolve your Eevee
during the day or at night.
Lure method for Leafeon and Glaceon
In order to evolve Eevee into the Generation 3 Pokémon リーフィア
and グレイシア, you need to use one of the new Lure items:
the Mossy Lure or the Glacial Lure.
Approach a Pokéstop, and apply the lure to the stop:
Ensure that you are within the radius of the Pokéstop (make sure you can spin it), and find the
Eevee that you wish to evolve. Make sure that the evolve button contains