List of Pokémon with this move Gastly 8.4 dps Haunter 8.4 dps Aipom 7 dps Misdreavus 8.4 dps Dunsparce 7 dps Corsola - Galarian 8.4 dps Whismur 7 dps Exploud 7 dps Mawile 7 dps Swablu 7 dps Shuppet 8.4 dps Duskull 8.4 dps Chimecho 7 dps Ambipom 7 dps Drifloon 8.4 dps Drifblim 8.4 dps Chingling 7 dps Dusknoir 8.4 dps Rotom - Wash 7 dps Rotom 8.4 dps Rotom - Heat 7 dps Rotom - Frost 7 dps Rotom - Fan 7 dps Rotom - Mow 7 dps Yamask - Galarian 8.4 dps Yamask 8.4 dps Cofagrigus 8.4 dps Vanillite 7 dps Vanillish 7 dps Vanilluxe 7 dps Foongus 7 dps Amoonguss 7 dps Elgyem 7 dps Beheeyem 7 dps Litwick 8.4 dps Lampent 8.4 dps Golett 8.4 dps Golurk 8.4 dps Tornadus - Therian 7 dps Thundurus - Incarnate 7 dps Klefki 7 dps Phantump 8.4 dps Pumpkaboo - Average 8.4 dps Pumpkaboo - Large 8.4 dps Pumpkaboo - Small 8.4 dps Pumpkaboo - Super 8.4 dps Hoopa - Confined 8.4 dps Hoopa - Unbound 7 dps Decidueye 8.4 dps Morelull 7 dps Shiinotic 7 dps Sandygast 8.4 dps Palossand 8.4 dps Dhelmise 8.4 dps Tapu Lele 7 dps Blacephalon 8.4 dps Applin 7 dps Appletun 7 dps Sinistea - Antique 8.4 dps Sinistea - Phony 8.4 dps Polteageist - Antique 8.4 dps Polteageist - Phony 8.4 dps Cursola 8.4 dps Runerigus 8.4 dps Dreepy 8.4 dps Drakloak 8.4 dps Dragapult 8.4 dps Enamorus - Incarnate 7 dps Enamorus - Therian 7 dps Bramblin 8.4 dps Dudunsparce - Three 7 dps Dudunsparce - Two 7 dps Gimmighoul 8.4 dps Gholdengo 8.4 dps Pokémon highlighted in green benefit from Same Type Attack Bonus.