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Golem - Alola Form (Pokémon GO)

Golem Pokemon GO

Golem - Alola Form

#76 (Kanto)

Pokémon type

Vulnerable to…
Ground deals 256% damage.
Fighting deals 160% damage.
Water deals 160% damage.
Grass deals 160% damage.
Resistant to…
Normal deals 63% damage.
Poison deals 63% damage.
Fire deals 63% damage.
Electric deals 63% damage.
Flying deals 39% damage.

Standard game images

Golem - Alola Form - Male & Female

There is a very low chance that you can get a shiny Golem - Alola Form, which has the following appearance:


"Golem live up on mountains. If there is a large earthquake, these Pokémon will come rolling down off the mountains en masse to the foothills below."

All counter Pokémon

Most vulnerable to Golem - Alola Form

These are the Pokémon most vulnerable to the above moveset.
Pokémon Effective damage

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These moves are calculated using type advantages / disadvantages, and including STAB. Click here for more info »


