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Scatterbug - Continental (Pokémon GO)

Scatterbug Pokemon GO

Scatterbug - Continental

#664 (Kalos)

Pokémon type

Vulnerable to…
Flying deals 160% damage.
Rock deals 160% damage.
Fire deals 160% damage.
Resistant to…
Fighting deals 63% damage.
Ground deals 63% damage.
Grass deals 63% damage.


There are currently a total of 3 Pokémon in the Scatterbug (Continental) family. Scatterbug (Continental) evolves into Spewpa (Continental) which costs ?? Candy, which then evolves into Vivillon (Continental) costing ?? Candy.

Standard game images


"When under attack from bird Pokémon, it spews a poisonous black powder that causes paralysis on contact."

All counter Pokémon

These are the Pokémon and their moves that do the most damage to Scatterbug.

Pokémon Quick move Main move Effective damage
Reshiram   Fire Fang   Fusion Flare 100%
Delphox   Fire Spin   Blast Burn 81%
Delphox   Fire Spin   Mystical Fire 74%
Reshiram   Dragon Breath   Fusion Flare 71%
Rayquaza   Air Slash   Breaking Swipe 69%
Kleavor   Air Slash   Rock Slide 68%
Delphox   Zen Headbutt   Blast Burn 66%
Kleavor   Air Slash   Stone Edge 65%
Kleavor   Quick Attack   Rock Slide 65%
Delphox   Scratch   Blast Burn 61%

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These moves are calculated using type advantages / disadvantages, and including STAB. Click here for more info »

Most vulnerable to Scatterbug - Continental

These are the Pokémon most vulnerable to the above moveset.
Pokémon Effective damage

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These moves are calculated using type advantages / disadvantages, and including STAB. Click here for more info »


