Damage type Ice Strong vs. Flying + Ground + Grass + Dragon + Weak vs. Steel − Fire − Water − Ice − Immune vs.
List of Pokémon with this move Feraligatr 8 dps Suicune 8 dps Suicune - S 8 dps Mightyena 8 dps Mawile 8 dps Hippowdon 8 dps Drapion 8 dps Stoutland 8 dps Darumaka - Galarian 9.6 dps Darmanitan - Galarian Standard 9.6 dps Darmanitan - Galarian Zen 9.6 dps Kyurem - White 9.6 dps Avalugg 9.6 dps Zamazenta - Crowned Shield 8 dps Zamazenta - Hero 8 dps Veluza 8 dps Frigibax 9.6 dps Arctibax 9.6 dps Baxcalibur 9.6 dps Pokémon highlighted in green benefit from Same Type Attack Bonus.