Damage type Ice Strong vs. Flying + Ground + Grass + Dragon + Weak vs. Steel − Fire − Water − Ice − Immune vs.
List of Pokémon with this move Sandshrew - Alola Form 7.2 dps Sandslash - Alola Form 7.2 dps Vulpix - Alola Form 7.2 dps Ninetales - Alola Form 7.2 dps Swinub 7.2 dps Piloswine 7.2 dps Smoochum 7.2 dps Castform - Snowy 7.2 dps Snorunt 7.2 dps Sealeo 7.2 dps Walrein 7.2 dps Snover 7.2 dps Abomasnow 7.2 dps Mamoswine 7.2 dps Froslass 7.2 dps Vanillite 7.2 dps Cubchoo 7.2 dps Cubchoo - Winter 2020 7.2 dps Beartic 7.2 dps Beartic - Winter 2020 7.2 dps Amaura 7.2 dps Aurorus 7.2 dps Avalugg - Hisuian 7.2 dps Snom 7.2 dps Frosmoth 7.2 dps Eiscue - Ice 7.2 dps Eiscue - Noice 7.2 dps Arctozolt 7.2 dps Arctovish 7.2 dps Cetoddle 7.2 dps Cetitan 7.2 dps Chien-Pao 7.2 dps Pokémon highlighted in green benefit from Same Type Attack Bonus.