Damage type Psychic Strong vs. Fighting + Poison + Weak vs. Steel − Psychic − Immune vs. Dark −−
List of Pokémon with this move Kadabra 9.6 dps Alakazam 9.6 dps Ponyta - Galarian 9.6 dps Rapidash - Galarian 9.6 dps Articuno - Galarian 9.6 dps Mewtwo 9.6 dps Medicham 9.6 dps Spinda - 10 8 dps Spinda - 12 8 dps Spinda - 11 8 dps Spinda - 13 8 dps Spinda - 14 8 dps Spinda - 15 8 dps Spinda - 16 8 dps Spinda - 17 8 dps Spinda - 18 8 dps Spinda - 19 8 dps Spinda - 08 8 dps Spinda - 07 8 dps Spinda - 06 8 dps Spinda - 05 8 dps Spinda - 04 8 dps Spinda - 03 8 dps Spinda - 02 8 dps Spinda - 01 8 dps Spinda - 00 8 dps Spinda - 09 8 dps Absol 8 dps Gallade 9.6 dps Cresselia 9.6 dps Doublade 8 dps Aegislash 8 dps Malamar 9.6 dps Decidueye - Hisuian 8 dps Necrozma - Dawn Wings 9.6 dps Necrozma - Dusk Mane 9.6 dps Necrozma 9.6 dps Hatterene 9.6 dps Pokémon highlighted in green benefit from Same Type Attack Bonus.