Damage type Ground Strong vs. Poison + Rock + Steel + Fire + Electric + Weak vs. Bug − Grass − Immune vs. Flying −−
List of Pokémon with this move Sandshrew 9.6 dps Sandslash 9.6 dps Diglett 9.6 dps Dugtrio 9.6 dps Poliwag 8 dps Poliwhirl 8 dps Poliwrath 8 dps Graveler 9.6 dps Golem 9.6 dps Krabby 8 dps Kingler 8 dps Goldeen 8 dps Omanyte 8 dps Omastar 8 dps Kabuto 8 dps Kabutops 8 dps Politoed 8 dps Wooper 9.6 dps Wooper - Paldea 9.6 dps Quagsire 9.6 dps Remoraid 8 dps Octillery 8 dps Marshtomp 9.6 dps Swampert 9.6 dps Swalot 8 dps Trapinch 9.6 dps Vibrava 9.6 dps Flygon 9.6 dps Barboach 9.6 dps Whiscash 9.6 dps Groudon 9.6 dps Gible 9.6 dps Gabite 9.6 dps Garchomp 9.6 dps Croagunk 8 dps Toxicroak 8 dps Excadrill 9.6 dps Tympole 8 dps Palpitoad 9.6 dps Seismitoad 9.6 dps Stunfisk - Galarian 9.6 dps Stunfisk 9.6 dps Bouffalant 8 dps Landorus - Incarnate 9.6 dps Landorus - Therian 9.6 dps Diggersby 9.6 dps Sandygast 9.6 dps Palossand 9.6 dps Greedent 8 dps Silicobra 9.6 dps Sandaconda 9.6 dps Tandemaus 8 dps Maushold - Family Of Four 8 dps Maushold - Family Of Three 8 dps Nacli 8 dps Naclstack 8 dps Garganacl 8 dps Toedscool 9.6 dps Toedscruel 9.6 dps Clodsire 9.6 dps Ting-Lu 9.6 dps Pokémon highlighted in green benefit from Same Type Attack Bonus.