Pokémon GO Info

Icy Wind

Ice move


Base damage

PVP Damage

Base damage



Move duration 3500 ms
Damage window 2200 - 3000 ms
Energy -33

List of Pokémon with this move

Wigglytuff 18.6 dps
Poliwrath 18.6 dps
Seel 18.6 dps
Dewgong 22.3 dps
Shellder 18.6 dps
Cloyster 22.3 dps
Seaking 18.6 dps
Articuno 22.3 dps
Swinub 22.3 dps
Delibird - Winter 2020 22.3 dps
Delibird 22.3 dps
Spinda - 18 18.6 dps
Spinda - 19 18.6 dps
Spinda - 17 18.6 dps
Spinda - 16 18.6 dps
Spinda - 15 18.6 dps
Spinda - 14 18.6 dps
Spinda - 13 18.6 dps
Spinda - 12 18.6 dps
Spinda - 11 18.6 dps
Spinda - 10 18.6 dps
Spinda - 00 18.6 dps
Spinda - 09 18.6 dps
Spinda - 01 18.6 dps
Spinda - 02 18.6 dps
Spinda - 03 18.6 dps
Spinda - 04 18.6 dps
Spinda - 05 18.6 dps
Spinda - 06 18.6 dps
Spinda - 07 18.6 dps
Spinda - 08 18.6 dps
Snorunt 22.3 dps
Piplup 18.6 dps
Prinplup 18.6 dps
Drifloon 18.6 dps
Drifblim 18.6 dps
Abomasnow 22.3 dps
Glaceon 22.3 dps
Samurott - Hisuian 18.6 dps
Vanillite 22.3 dps
Vanillish 22.3 dps
Cubchoo 22.3 dps
Cubchoo - Winter 2020 22.3 dps
Bergmite 22.3 dps
Avalugg - Hisuian 22.3 dps
Avalugg 22.3 dps
Mr. Rime 22.3 dps
Snom 22.3 dps
Frosmoth 22.3 dps
Eiscue - Ice 22.3 dps
Eiscue - Noice 22.3 dps
Glastrier 22.3 dps
Finizen 18.6 dps
Palafin - Hero 18.6 dps
Palafin - Zero 18.6 dps
Frigibax 22.3 dps
Arctibax 22.3 dps
Baxcalibur 22.3 dps
Pokémon highlighted in green benefit from Same Type Attack Bonus.